Monday, January 23, 2012

monday morning mixtape.

Hey, all! Good morning!

I've been listening to Beirut's The Rip Tide while driving around town lately and can't get either of these two tracks out of my head:

"East Harlem"


p.s. update -- this just in: first track from Andrew Bird's new album, coming out March 6th! Can. Not. Wait.

Have an awesome Monday!


  1. I'm going to check these out! I love finding new music!

  2. I agree with Stephanie, I love a good find. Have you heard of The Civil Wars? They're a duo. Joy Williams and John Paul White are the duo. Maybe you've heard of them? If not, they're absolutely amazing. They're recently become more widely known. Their shows sell out super fast, but if you ever have the opportunity to see them in concert GO! :)

  3. Thanks for the tip, Eleanor -- I'm off to check them out!

  4. Thanks for introducing them. I love finding new music.
