Wednesday, April 4, 2012


It's my "all things wordy" post day -- book reviews, poems I love -- and I'm totally drawing a blank. I'll blame it on this nasty cold + sinus infection I've had for a week and a half and my self-imposed deadline. Plus, L hasn't been napping well, so I've had to get creative with finding ways for us to spend some pretty long hours in the afternoons. Here's a picture of our first-ever "just us girls" outing to a mall (the closest one is a 45 minute drive from here):

mmmm, cantaloupe.

Back with something word-worthy next week, promise. (If you want to know what I'm reading, check out the right sidebar or friend me on goodreads!)


  1. You're doing so much better than me-- I didn't even get around to doing a wordless post today.

    That's a really sweet picture.

  2. You say "mmm, cantaloupe"... I say "mmm, sweet baby cheeks"
