Wednesday, October 10, 2012

chubby baby nostalgia.

My friend Kim just created a beautiful video to promote her services as a birth doula that features our silly little family from last October!

If you've ever wondered what my voice sounds like or how I look when I haven't showered and only got 4 hours of sleep in two two-hour chunks, look no further. Also, though I don't miss those early days of babyhood, I miss Lorelei's cheeks like crazy. CRAAAA-ZY. (We first appear at 0:17)

If you live in western Chicagoland and are looking for a doula, contact me about getting in touch with Kim! She's as amazing as she seems here :)


  1. What a beautiful video, your doula seems amazing, and reminds me so much of my sister in-law actually! You three are so sweet, and Lorelei's cheeks are sooo cute and squishy!

  2. i like how neither you nor your husband really look(s) at the camera, but lorelei does almost the entire time!

    1. So funny that you mention that! Kim was sitting to the side of the camera, and the videographer told us to talk to her instead of the camera (which was really awkward when we were talking about her!). Lorelei does her own thing -- then, now, always. :)

  3. Really cute!! And you're right. Those cheeks. OMG. Precious.
